Black and white photograph of President Abraham Lincoln, taken circa 1863

Images of Others

80th Indiana Volunteer Infantry
An American Civil War Regiment

US President Abraham Lincoln 
Issued July 1862 call for 300,000 volunteers, which resulted in 80th being formed 
Photograph taken November 8, 1863 by Alexander Garner
Image LC-USZ62-13016 courtesy of US Library of Congress
Picture shown above has been electronically enhanced by Deep Vee Productions

What follows is a master list of images of the people whose lives had an impact on the men who served in the 80th.  This list is arranged in alphabetical order by each person's last name.  Source information for each image is included, as are links you can follow to view these images where they are posted on the 80th website. 

Definitions: Gen.=General;  Gov.=Governor; Ind.=State of Indiana; Lieut.=rank of Lieutenant; LOC=US Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division; NARA=U.S. National Archives and Records Administration; Maj.=rank of Major; Sec.=Secretary; USAMHI = U.S. Army Military History Institute.

Soldier Names

Rank or Title

Comments & Credits Relationship to 80th Indiana

 Ambrose E.

Maj. Gen.
US Army

Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of NARA

Commanded Army of the Ohio that 80th served in during the successful fall 1863 campaign to capture Eastern Tennessee.

 Henry M.

Brig. Gen.
US Army  

Photo of him in his officer's uniform. Courtesy of LOC

Commanded the Division the 80th served in during early stage of the summer 1864 campaign to capture Atlanta, Georgia.  Was dismissed for his actions at the battle of Resaca Georgia.



Photo of him in civilian suit, taken November 1863.  Courtesy of LOC.

Commander-in-Chief of US forces, including the Union Army the 80th was part.

 Oliver P.


Drawing of him in a civilian suit.  From April 1867 issue of Harper's Weekly.

Oversaw organization of 80th, commissioned its officers, ordered it to depart Indiana and welcomed it home 3 years later.

 John M.

Lieut. Gen.
US Army

Photo of him in his officer's uniform.  Courtesy of LOC.

Commander of 23rd Corps of US Army, which 80th served in during 1864-1865.

 William T.

Maj. Gen.
US Army

Photo of him in his officer's uniform.  Courtesy of LOC.

Commander of Federal forces, including the 80th, during the May-September 1864 campaign to capture Atlanta, Georgia.

 Edwin M.

Sec. of War

Drawing of him in a civilian suit.  Date and source unknown.

At request of Pres. Lincoln, ordered Gov. Morton to form additional regiments, one of which was the 80th.

 George H.

Maj. Gen.
US Army

Photo of him in his officer's uniform.  Courtesy of LOC.

Commanded Federal forces, including the 80th, during successful December 1864 battle at Nashville, Tennessee.

This page Copyright by Scott Cantwell Meeker of Deep Vee Productions.
All Rights Reserved. Created December 30, 2004. Last updated January 3, 2005.

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